Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I was filling out my baby book with the things that I can do ahead of time, just so I don't forget after he is born (which is 5 short weeks away, but who's counting?), and there is a section about "what's popular" now.  I got really depressed when I started filling out the music section.

For awhile now, I have been saying that music these days is on a continual downward spiral and has been for a long time.  If you think about the 70's, 80's and 90's and the classic music that came out of those decades, it makes you wonder what happened between now and then, that our generation is afflicted which such horrible music.  Think about Pearl Jam, Queen, Journey, The Stones, Aerosmith (k, I just love Steven Tyler), GnR, the list goes on....they just don't make music like that anymore.  I decided that I could not keep quiet anymore after I heard Rihanna's new song "S&M" on the radio.  Here's an excerpt for your reading pleasure (I use the term loosely, and keep in mind, once you read it, you can't unread it...what is seen cannot be unseen)....

I chose this picture because it is
particularly embarrassing.  She doesn't
even play guitar.
Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me
S-S-S & M-M-M
S-S-S & M-M-M

Not only is this song lyrically horrible, with the music it is even worse, it's also extremely offensive.  And gross.  I know you know which part I'm talking about.  And don't say I didn't warn you.  So this is what music has come to these days.  This is what people are turning into number one hits.

Now, of course I'm kind of picking on Rihanna.  I don't think I've ever been so offended at being subjected to a song as I was to that one.  Oh wait, yes I have.  Ke$ha.  I only put the dollar sign in there because it was one of my favorite lines on Glee when Principal Figgins called her "Key-dollar sign-Hah."  The fact that this generation of music listeners has put someone like that on the map is baffling to me.  I can't even listen to her voice it is so annoying, not to mention, her music is NOT music.  It just really bothers me that her crap that someone somewhere decided was music has made it to number one in the "Top 40."  When you look at the other artists who have made it there, and then you hear her name, it's just.....painful.  It makes me even more depressed when I realize that people I know are responsible for this.

So, while I was filling out the section of my baby's record book dedicated to music, I did include Rihanna, and Justin Bieber (it asked who's POPULAR...not who mom likes!), but I threw in some country greats too.  I did not put in Ke$ha.

On a side note: I find it very ironic that Rihanna did a song with eminem that completely glorifies domestic violence.  The song is called "Love the Way You Lie" and I have to say that I am guilty of liking this song - mainly because I can appreciate that eminem is really talented, plus it's catchy.  It's just weird to me to listen to her sing "Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, that's alright because I like the way it hurts...." after he talks about tying her to the bed and setting the house on fire.  Keep in mind she went through a very public break up after her boyfriend beat the crap out of her to the point that her face was not recognizeable.


  1. preach it. that's why I stopped listening to the radio in 1999. I was thirteen.

    please write more!
