Thursday, February 24, 2011

I have to pee...

 ...and even my maternity pants are too small.  And my back hurts.  And it hurts stand.  And it hurts to sit.  And I get kicked in the ribs all day.  And I always have epic heartburn.  And I'm always tired.  And I can't sleep because I have to pee every 20 minutes.  And my bras don't fit.  And they're uncomfortable.  And I can't travel so I'm missing Myrtle Beach this year. And I have terrible skin.  And I'm pretty sure I'm getting a double chin.

This is approximately what the little
stinker looks like right now.
Whew...ok, I wanted to get that off my chest, because I usually try to hold in my complaints about pregnancy.  I think it's wrong to complain about such a miracle happening right inside your body - especially when there's so many women who want nothing more than to be pregnant, but their bodies have failed them and they can't.  They would kill to be in my shoes, and I'm bitching about it.  But the reality is, pregnancy is really uncomfortable.  The funny thing is, I complain about getting kicked in the ribs, or the bladder, but when he doesn't kick for too long a period of time I freak out and think something's wrong.  And then, after about an hour of sitting there waiting, I feel the reassuring kick in the ribs, or ovary, and I'm like, THERE YOU ARE!

The other morning I had just gotten home from a night shift and Jonathon woke up when I was getting into bed.  He decided he needed to say good morning to the baby (who up until this point had been acting like the tazmanian devil trapped inside my belly, seriously, it felt like he had 8 arms....I even asked him, "How are you doing that?!?!) he put his face right near my belly and started talking and he got kicked right in the nose!!!  It was amazing!  Even better is that the first time Jonathon felt him kick, he was resting his head on my belly and felt a little jab in the ear.  This boy is going to be just like his father, a total trouble maker!  And the two of them are going to gang up on me all the time, and I'm going to love it!

I guess the point of this post, other than unloading my complaints, is to remind myself and everyone in my life who has to listen to me, that no matter how much I complain, I would not trade my current condition for a million dollars.  I love my little trouble maker.  I can't wait to meet him and hold him and lose even more sleep.  Any time I feel like complaining, I just think about what it feels like to NOT feel him kick and I appreciate the jabs to the ribs and bouncing on the bladder.  I LOVE him.


  1. so cute Rachel! You made me want to get pregnant now so I can feel all those kicks and have my own little one kick john in the face :)

  2. Ash I can't WAIT till you get preggo! Your babies are going to be SO CUTE!

  3. Oh Rachel, you're so wonderful. Dad and I enjoyed this rant a lot!

  4. This is hilarious and great and I love it! I just love you and I'm so proud of you :) and I love HIM!
